Saturday, October 6, 2007

my mother asked me to describe my ideal day in the future, and this is what came to mind for some reason

I wake up, alone because that's all I can imagine. The window is open the sun is out so I look out,
to cars and taxi cabs, street vendors and flower shops open; a passerby looks up- I greet him with a morning smile. I find my slippers and classic black coffee mug and make my way to the kitchen, vase full of fresh flowers from the street below. The coffee is dripping, timed perfectly
in time with the music seeping in from my bedroom set to waken me each morning. I glance around the apartment:brightly colored walls, beautiful art, and photos of good friends
that I know well. I have about another hour to get dressed so I take my time before leaving for work. And as my mother's blessing for me goes I am "one with the universe, I am happy within it and it is blessed by my existence."

1 comment:

another wreck more commonly known as Ted said...

It's about time you wrote more... I love you and should call you either tuesday or wednesday...