Wednesday, December 6, 2006

the Global Fund and PEPFAR announced they’ve more than doubled the number of people receiving AIDS treatment since the last AIDS day!,9171,1562960-1,00.html
"It's hard to believe that these photos are of the same little boy. When 8-year-old Bokang Rakabaele arrived at the new pediatric-AIDS clinic in Maseru, the capital city of Lesotho, in May, he weighed less than 20 lbs. and was suffering from AIDS, pneumonia and tuberculosis. Today he's 18 lbs. heavier, his shy smile has returned, and he plays once again with other kids in the neighborhood. When I visited the clinic in August, Bokang was already on the mend. He was asked through an interpreter why he thought he was feeling so much better, and replied very simply, 'It's the medicine.' "

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